Samantha Zhang and Max Levine's Neural Networks for Meta Emotions project for the Immersive Media Computing REU at Georgia State University. Video demo by Samantha Zhang.
Created for Dr. Bradbury's UNCA Virtual Reality class by Max Levine and Chris Blaha
Created for Dr. Bradbury's UNCA Virtual Reality class by Max Levine and Chris Blaha
Created for Dr. Bradbury's UNCA Virtual Reality class by Max Levine and Chris Blaha
This Arduino project was created with a button, buzzer, battery, LED, and LCD shield, and it is a handheld rhythm practicing game. A user must hold the button down for the correct count of beats as different notes and rest values appear across the LCD. Project created for Dr. Bradbury's Advanced Interactive Media class at UNCA.
Song by Seth Levine, art/video editing by Sarah Denae, EbSynth processing by Max Levine
Final project for Dr. Hursty's UNCA DI: Intro to Motion Media class. Based off of a music video I made up in my head during my freshman year of high school.
For my geometry semester project, I determined a common thread of time, a very human concept, as well as different geometric methods, being used for navigation technologies.
Created for Dr. Hursty's UNCA DI: Intro to Motion Media class
Created for AP Earth Environmental Science